
Looking for a specific resource related to children’s mental health research, policy and practice? Use the search filter below to search for highlighted resources 2012 to 2023.

Note: The Children’s Mental Health Network ceased operation in December, 2023. This archived website is available for you to peruse past articles and our vast library of research articles and news sources on children’s mental health, dating back to 2012.


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A Sampling of Links From Over the Years

We thought it would be fun to put together a sampling of links to the many different sources…

Approaches to Coordinating Services for Young Children and Families

A new research highlight prepared by Child Trends for the Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation describes ways in which states…

Mental Health Client-Level Data (MH-CLD) 2021: Data on Clients Receiving Mental Health Treatment Services Through State Mental Health Agencies

This annual report presents the total number of clients receiving mental health treatment services in 2021 by demographics, National Outcome…

2023 Children’s Mental Health Report: Evidence-Based Reading Instruction and Educational Equity

Reading is a fundamental skill underlying academic achievement, professional success, and full participation in society. But right now, staggering numbers…

Youth and the Juvenile Justice System 2022 National Report

Youth and the Juvenile Justice System: 2022 National Report is the fifth edition of a comprehensive report on youth victimization,…

Constant Companion: A Week in the Life of a Young Person’s Smartphone Use

Common Sense Media released a new research report revealing that teens are constantly receiving and fielding notifications on their smartphones.…

School-Friendly Health Systems: Core Principles and Practices to Guide Health Systems to Help Children Reach Their Full Potential

Education is a critical social determinant of health, and addressing health needs is essential to effective educational outcomes. Studies repeatedly…

Chang­ing Course in Youth Deten­tion: Revers­ing Widen­ing Gaps by Race and Place

The Annie E. Casey Foun­da­tion’s Chang­ing Course in Youth Deten­tion: Revers­ing Widen­ing Gaps by Race and Place expos­es the large…

Teen Depression: More Than Just Moodiness

Being a teenager can be tough, but it shouldn’t feel hopeless. If you have been feeling sad most of the…